Saturday, 18 October 2008


yo homies. The narrative may...wait is too complicated, we have less than 2 weeks time frame and I think we would be better off simplifying and maybe only doing something with our 4 characters and maybe...a CORRUPTOR. we will need a minimum of 5 sets/ background pieces. I think we need to go off on a tangent more.
A bear cowboy journalist crook war. A bear cowboy journalist crook tea party. a tea party war. Myabe they are all in a bar like an Irishman Scotsman and Englishman.
Maybe interaction between the characters is all that is needed to captivate people for 3 mins. why spend time doing a complex 3 minute piece badly, when we can do an amazing. AMAZING simple one. we can spend more time making different heads/expressions/movements for the characters we have. TIS TRUE.


oh and i'll get some drawings up later as i don't have my pocket scanner with me now.


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