Monday 27 October 2008

musical bearrr.

editings ok. i really don't like most of the close up of the cloud stuff...looks really bad. unlike how we started off, i think its due to us feeling like we had to rush!

Thursday 23 October 2008


We got a golden washing machine now!! haha, but don't worry people, got it in regular paper as well so well see what looks best with everythin else. 
Listen my flatmate is takin her videocam to Finland with her tomorrow so I wont be able to do the fire stuff over the weekend, should we try it tomorro with Ciaras cam? or maybe ask if there's any free ones at uni I could borrow for the weekend..
And I couldnt find that cute matchbox so bring some with you tomorro if you got, i got one horrible super thin, but we can always make some covers for it.

Tuesday 21 October 2008


floor. we will colour the photocopy with marker/paint. TIME TO MAKE THE WALLS AND FLOOR TO PUT THESE BADBOYS ON.

Oooh wooden planks!

Wooden planks. to build the floor with. floor boards. made of wood.
paper is made of wood from something called a tree apparently.


i like the idea of this dog doing random tricks in the background